Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Let's get started... Exactly what will I be covering here

Over the years, after having joined well over 150 different affiliate programs, I have settled on a handful of things to do.

I come from a self-employed background, having owned a bricks 'n 'mortar business for 16 years. I also have always had a fascination with network marketing. Never much success... but absolutely love the concept and believe that some of what is taught about relationship business could be well served in the traditional business arena.

That's why I was attracted to the Internet and the possibilities of doing business via the "Web". Even though it appears to be a rather impersonal marketplace, the truth is... it's really all about forming relationships first, and then doing business.

In the process of doing business, you begin to refer others. Sometimes so they can see if you're really nuts, and sometimes because you are so excited they just have to know about it. At any rate, enter the affiliate referral process... how you get paid.

So, which programs do I still recommend after 7 long years on the Internet?

Let me begin with two very long time Network Marketing professionals I admire. I've met David LeDoux personally, and I've talked with Kim Klaver by phone as well as exchanged e-mails with her over the years. My study with both of them goes back to 1998.

Over the years, they have both updated their messages. As times have changed, so have they. That is good. When you want the very best information about how to do referral marketing, then David LeDoux with, ILoveMLM and Kim Klaver, of WhoWho911.com are the best in the business.

When I came online and began looking seriously for a way to make money, I knew the first thing I needed was traffic... After all, without eyeballs on your ads... you had no chance of selling... make that giving away, anything. In August 2001, I stumbled upon a brand-spanking new program called MPAM... short for Massive Passive Advertising Machine. If I hadn't sat on the "spam" I received from someone... not directly from MPAM, I could have had a 2 digit member number. As it was, I became member number 307 and continue to be a semi-retired member today.

Now over the years, MPAM has morphed into a very solid program for people who are new to the net, but have a burning desire to get it all figured out without having to run down a lot of rabbit trails. The 20 Lessons take you through the steps of identifying your market, learning the basics of driving traffic, basic search engine optimization, and it also plugs you into the cooperative ad system which compounds the traffic you receive for your efforts.

In the next couple days, I'll be talking about webhosting, and web conferencing.


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